The Voice cLoud works with many vulnerable people across Suffolk and Norfolk and know that there is a large contingent of individuals, couples and families who either do not use the internet or have low digital confidence which might otherwise enable them to explore the technology they have that would reduce the impact of isolation and lockdowns on their wellbeing.
On 16th March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Voice cLoud launched a digital inclusion programme and digital access consultation.
This programme has identified and assisted many Suffolk and Norfolk residents with specific “getting online” need – remotely supporting residents to download, understand and master such “staying in touch” technologies as Zoom, Skype, Facetime as well as other useful online services – crucially enabling them to stay connected with friends, family and hobbies, in order to alleviate the acute isolation that many have been disproportionately affected by.
On 19th July, in line with their plans to ease restrictions at step 4 for England, the government ended all legal restrictions on social contact. Even as we move into this post pandemic stage across the country, the Voice cLoud is aware that there are many families and individuals who face digital exclusion; either through lack of technology knowledge or because of not having access to devices and technology equipment. These families have experienced the acute effects of the pandemic and isolation and we hope to continue supporting people where we are able to.
“In some ways, we have never been more connected since the pandemic”
Thank you to The Tudwick Foundation!
March, 2021
The Voice cLoud has received a grant from The Tudwick Foundation.
The Tudwick Foundation is a grant-giving body that strives to provide financial support to communities and charitable organisations who are based in Essex and Suffolk.
The Voice Cloud applied to the foundation in order to assist more people through our digital access consultation and programme.
Thank you to Comic Relief!
July, 2021
The Voice cLoud has received a grant from the Comic Relief COVID-19 Community Fund (Norfolk & Suffolk).
The Comic Relief COVID-19 Community Fund (Norfolk & Suffolk) provides grants to grassroots organisations to support local grassroots organisations to respond to the needs of vulnerable individuals, families and communities during the COVID-19 crisis and recover from the impact COVID-19 has had on their services.
The fund is aimed at organisations who deliver activities against at least one of Comic Relief’s themes: Children Survive & Thrive; Fighting for Gender Justice; A Safe Place to Be; and Mental Health Matters.
This funding is available to help people who live in Suffolk or Norfolk.
How To Get Help
If you live in Suffolk or Norfolk and you (or a member of your family or a friend that you don’t live with) requires some technological assistance to do any of the following:
- Stay connected with family and loved ones (via such platforms as Zoom, Skype, FaceTime etc)
- Shop online (if you are clinically vulnerable or don’t feel safe or confident being in a public place during the pandemic)
- Order medical prescriptions (if you are clinically vulnerable or don’t feel safe or confident being in a public place during the pandemic)
- Find out about practical help and information available to you during the pandemic
- Access up to date, reliable and breaking news about the COVID-19 pandemic, government announcements and related developments
- Pursue hobbies and interests that have temporarily gone online
…please use the referral form below or email us or call 07909 510976.
Referral Form

Please note that
1. There is no charge to you for this service.
2. We do not come to your house – all support is offered via telephone (or video call where possible).
3. We run the sessions at a pace that you consider manageable.
4. We are currently funded to work with residents of Suffolk and Norfolk only.
5. We have supported a lot of people (some with almost no understanding of how to get online) so please don’t be too embarrassed to ask for help.
6. Our funders require us to ask you to complete a short questionnaire and provide feedback of your experience after we have helped you “get online”.
“Mental health matters”